Creation of Unifor Local 4002 Website

Hey everyone, this is Greg Westerback your new Local 4002 Guide! It was a hard fought election but the votes came in strong at 100% of the vote for me (a sign of a strong democracy).

Nothing too exciting here, just announcing the creation of our new website and social media presence (Discord, Twitter, Facebook). Hopefully this makes it much easier to get the word out and network with our members, especially our younger ones since participation is pretty low right now in our area. With a large resurgence of the labor movement right now in the broader political scene its a good time to bring the younger generation into more active roles in the union.

This is just the start and everything is subject to change in the future. I plan on bringing in more people to help with work on the website cause it would be a HUGE pain in the ass if I had to do it all by myself! If anyone is interested they can email me at and ill get back to you as soon as I can.

Looking for people to help with

Writing blogs, Updating the schedule, Moderating our discord, and just submitting ideas or improvements

Thats all for now! Looking forward to working with you all